
Resume Writing Service puts emphasis on good mannersManners make a man even during the hiring process. Etiquette makes a job-seeker stand out from other candidates and shuts recruiter’s eyes on some shortcomings in your work history. That is the reason why Resume Writing Service thinks that it’s vitally important to considerate every your gesture. Never neglect the power of first impression and always try to follow some simple rules in communication with employer to leave no doubts in your serious attitude to your job and to be engraved in employer’s memory as the most pleasant candidate.

Resume Writing Service will highlight you the most important displays of good manners:

Punctuality is the politeness of kings

Always be punctual, especially when you’re going to the interview. It won’t be odd to get to the office in 5-10 minutes earlier. But, on the other hand, our interview coachers emphasize that it would be a huge mistake to wait in the hall in half an hour earlier. Therefore, if you see that you still have plenty of time, you’d better while away this minutes in a café near office.

A bad workman blames his tools

Never say a bad word about your former employer or mention any conflicts with your colleagues: that is a very bad form. Job-seeker should be positive about his future, as well as about his past. Even if you were caught up in the busy traffic on the way to the office, don’t let that fact worsen your mood.

Clothes count for first impressions

Dress neatly and occasionally and avoid everything tacky. Limits of your freedom are dictated by circumstances, so consider your clothes when attending a career fair, going to the interview or starting your internship.

No wisdom like silence

Always listen to your interlocutor and never interrupt, raise your voice and avoid long pauses: that isn’t as complicated, as it could appear at first blush if you train an interview situation with your friend for a couple of times. And don’t forget to turn off your cell phone before an interview to avoid unpleasant situations.

If you’re not thankful then you’re a wizard

Don’t forget to follow up every personal conversation connected with your job and it doesn’t matter whether it was an interview, a job fair or a coaching session. Thank you notes won’t take much your time, but they will emphasize that you appreciate those help and time devoted to you.

Beat the resume scanners and finally land the job you deserve with Resume Writing Service!

We don't simply write or redesign your resume. Through a tailored approach, in-depth analysis, and the actual experience of what hiring managers most value, we fast-track your career success.
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